Marine Mammal Biologist & Program Manager
Adaptable marine mammal expert who specializes in overseeing the operation and rescue efforts of agencies serving Marine Protected Resources. Specialties include:
Marine Mammal Identification
Animal Handling & Training
Staffing & On-boarding
Photo Identification
Event & Course Coordination
Fiscal / Budget Management
Biopsy Sampling
Volunteer Coordination
Project Management
Tag Deployment
Data Collection & Analysis
Mentoring & Training
Passive Acoustic Monitoring
Website Design & Maintenance
Research Expeditions
* Program implementation and staffing – Expert program manager who handles all details from start to finish, whether establishing a volunteer program, implementing rescue procedures or hiring staff. Employ keen analytical skills, detail-orientation and excellent follow-through to comprehensively anticipate and resolve issues related to setting up new programs for success.
* Day-to-day operational management – Foster consistent, open communication among a geographically dispersed, cross-functional team of volunteers and paid staff. Deploy resources effectively and maintain tabs on key projects so there are no surprises. Ensure clear direction, supervision and training is provided to all team members, paid or otherwise.
* Strategic partnerships and media – Cultivate mutually-beneficial partnerships with internal and external agencies, committees and organizations. Serve as liaison to established partners and contact for media and public affairs inquiries.
* Emergency response and rescue coordination – Deep, hands-on experience in the field supporting mammal rescue efforts. Calm in a crisis, able to organize and manage the effective response and appropriate protocol for the rescue of at-risk marine mammals. Keep cross-functional group of stakeholders updated and make sure all safety procedures are followed.
* Data management and analysis – Gather, process and digitize data supporting the operational and research aspects of the organization. This may include paperwork related to volunteer and paid staff on-boarding and training, work and project schedules, and content for related websites. Proficient working with Excel, Word and the rest of MS Office, as well as common database programs used in marine mammal tracking facilities.
* Facilities management – Administer back-office and financial procedures to support the successful operation of the facility, including a collection of hands-on and delegated duties related to finance, computer systems and vehicle management.
Master of Marine Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2001 Graduate Certificate, Ocean Policy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 1997 M.A., Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling 1986 B.S., Rehabilitation, Health and Human Sciences 1984 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
CURRENT POSITION: 2012 – present Marine Protected Species Program Manager - Pacific Area United States Coast Guard (USCG), Pacific Headquarters, Alameda, CA Operating Location - Monterey, CA
Serve as subject matter expert, operational lead, liaison and primary point of contact for all Marine Protected Resources issues in the Pacific Area. Oversee, manage and report all USCG activities and interactions with marine mammals under the NOAA Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program (MMHSRP).
- Cultivate mutually-beneficial state/regional/national partnerships and cooperative MOU/MOA agreements. Maintain open lines of communication with all USCG Living Marine Resources and environmental offices and ensure appropriate media visibility of USCG marine protected species response efforts.
- Provide marine mammal stranding/disentanglement response training to Pacific Area units to mitigate potential adverse impacts during the course of routine operations. Grow strong relationships with internal/external partners and personnel by providing guidance, job aid kits, and enforcement priorities and procedures for effective stranding/disentanglement response.
1992 – present Project Manager / Photographer Marine Mammal Consultants, Kailua-Kona, HI
On a consulting basis, perform scientific research focused on marine protected species and their habitats, managing collaborative scientific field surveys to assess abundance, distribution and conservation status in coastal and offshore waters of the Pacific Rim.
- Developed materials to assist sanctuary programs and non-profits in fund-raising and educating the public. Taught courses onboard vessels on topics related to oceanography, biology, physiology, social patterns, population dynamics, current policy and wildlife protection legislation, preservation and conservation of marine mammals, sea turtles and the coral reef ecosystem.
- Used a range of technologies and software to detect animals and to monitor VHF radio, satellite and acoustic tracking devices deployed on them. Conducted aerial and vessel surveys, photo-identification, biopsy sampling, acoustic monitoring, satellite, radio, and acoustic tagging. Collected, processed and analyzed data using a variety of sighting tools and software. Utilized calibrated camera system to obtain in-flight photographs.
- Wrote grant proposals and obtained funding to support scientific research projects and marine expeditions.
Key projects:
- Gray Whale Radar Project – Radar and infrared detection experiment using theodolite tracking to ground-truth. Conducted at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.
- Humpback Whale Radar Project – Radar-based humpback detection and tracking experiment conducted at the US Navy Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF).
- North Atlantic Right Whale Surveys – Located endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) on winter calving grounds, captured photo ID and GIS data, and provided real-time location to US military and commercial shipping traffic. Used satellite and VHF radio tag deployment to track, relocate and disentangle injured marine mammals.
2009 – 2011 Space and Naval Warfare System (SPAWAR) Systems Center Pacific, San Diego, CA Marine Resources Management Specialist / Marine Biologist
2008 – 2009 Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific (NAVFAC PAC), Pearl Harbor, HI Marine Resources Management Specialist / Marine Biologist
Developed and implemented marine mammal monitoring and mitigation measures to support Navy training operations in the Pacific. Responsible for managing a multi-million dollar budget encompassing these programs.
- Served as project liaison and coordinator for the Southern California Behavioral Response Studies (SOCAL BRS) multidisciplinary research team conducting a five-year, international, collaborative marine mammal controlled sound exposure research project in the Southern California Bight.
- Organized deployment of research vessels and aerial assets to support research trials on Navy training ranges. Employed best science and business practices to manage all aspects of scheduling and safety.
- Maintained open lines of communication and responded to concerns of constituents / the public, agency partners and stakeholders. Prepared and translated environmental studies and scientific presentations for diverse audiences. Interfaced with news media, delivering talking points approved by the Pentagon.
1999 – 2005 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries) National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Seattle, WA & Kodiak, AK & Seward, AK Research Fisheries Biologist
Served as lead field biologist, coordinator and liaison for all cetacean research conducted by NOAA Fisheries in Alaska.
- Developed and administered the Alaska-based large whale research program including visual and acoustic line-transect surveys to obtain baseline data for large whales ranging from Alaska to the Pacific Northwest.
- Proposed the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Agreement, integrating federal, state, non-profit organizations, local researchers, industry and the public in supporting NOAA’s marine mammal research.
- Hired, trained and supervised interns and volunteers. Implemented a unique, cooperative working arrangement between NOAA Fisheries/NMML/CAEP, Alaska Sea Life Center (ASLC), North Gulf Oceanic Society (NGOS) and the maritime tour, whale watch and fishing industries, resulting in an effective local research network that exponentially enhanced data collection in remote locations.
Key projects:
- Structure of Populations, Levels of Abundance and Status of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the North Pacific (SPLASH) – Photo ID, biopsy samples, GIS data, International, collaborative, multidisciplinary team, multiple years.
- Killer Whale Predation in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) – Study of the decline of endangered Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) due to killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation. Photo ID, biopsy, passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), satellite and VHF radio tag deployment, collection of prey samples, GIS data.
- North Pacific Right Whale Surveys – Locating critically endangered North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena juponica), photo ID, GIS data, sonobuoy casts, conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) casts, passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), satellite and VHF radio tag deployment to track and relocate.
2001 Marine Biologist, Animal Mitigation Team U.S. Military Ship-Shock Trial, New England Aquarium, Fernandina Beach, FL
Ensured fleet compliance during trial training and operations, interfacing with high-ranking agency officials, managers, biologists, contractors and news media. Worked on sensitive and secret military and security issues to ensure compliance within mortality and hemorrhage safety/buffer zone distances, reviewing complex documents and related environmental studies, as well as coordinating with constituents to resolve conflicts and address public concern.
1993 – 2000 Graduate Rearch, Teaching Assistant & Dolphin Trainer University of Washington – School of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, Seattle, WA University of Hawaii – Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) University of Hawaii – Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory, Honolulu, HI
Performed a variety of duties related to marine mammal research, student teaching and dolphin training.
- Developed, coordinated and co-taught required courses for graduate students, veterinarians and post-doc scholars in current marine mammal field research techniques. Crafted course curriculum and secured instructors, speakers, research permits, schedules and field operations. Designed and maintained course websites and educational materials.
- Obtained federal funding and prepared Hawaii stranding data for two manuscripts with the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Program (HIHWNMSP), NOAA Fisheries Pacific Area Office and the University of Hawaii. Compiled existing NOAA Fisheries Pacific Area Office marine mammal stranding data and entered files into computer database.
- Trained dolphins during research trials, keeping daily logs, performing routine animal husbandry and supervising graduate students, volunteers and other visitors.
1998 – 1999 Marine Mammal Research & Aerial Observer RESEARCH FISHERIES BIOLOGIST Georgia Department of Land and Natural Resources, Brunswick, GA
Located injured / entangled whales to deploy VHF radio / satellite tags for tracking, relocation and disentanglement. Performed aerial surveys to locate endangered animals, sampled remote offshore areas and photographed individuals.
1995 – 1998 Marine Wildlife Naturalist & Cruise Director Hawaii Wildlife Fund / Royal Hawaiian Cruises, Honolulu & Lahaina, HI
Managed and narrated cruises and crew aboard vessels serving up to 450 passengers. Developed educational materials and assisted the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary with public education, outreach and community fund-raising events. Supervised staff, time cards, evaluations, incentives and award/reward programs.
1992 Research Assistant, Bahamas Spotted Dolphin Project Oceanic Society Expeditions, Fort Lauderdale, FL
1990 – 1992 Research Assistant / Dolphin Trainer Dolphin Research Center, Grassy Key, FL
2006 American Red Cross Lifeguard Training 2006 CPR and First Aid for the Professional Rescuer 2006 Automated External Defibrillation (AED) 2006 Oxygen Administration 1997 PADI Medic First Aid Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 1994 PADI Advanced Open Water Diver 1989 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Santa Barbara City College 1988 Fighter I & II Certificates, Alan Hancock College Fire Academy
Deakos, M. H., B.K. Branstetter, L. Mazzuca, D. Fertl and J.R. Mobley, Jr..2010. Two unusual interactions between a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Hawaiian waters. Aquatic Mammals, 36(2), 121-128.
Gosho, M., P. Gearin, R. Jenkinson, J. Laake, L. Mazzuca, D. Kubiak, J. Calambokidis, W. Megill, B. Gisborne, D. Goley, C. Tombach, J. Darling and V. Deecke. 2010. Research on Gray whales off Kodiak Island from 2002-2005. International Whaling Committee Report (Currently in review for publication).
Andrews, R. D., C.O. Matkin, L. Mazzuca. 2005. Satellite tags and attachment techniques for killer whales. Society of Marine Mammalogy Conference Abstract (Unpublished)
Matkin, C.O., J. Maniscalco, D. Maldini. E. Saulitis, L. Mazzuca. 2005. Specialists or Generalists? Population-specific variation in the foraging ecology of transient killer whales in Alaska. Society of Marine Mammalogy Conference Abstract (Unpublished)
Maldini, D., L. Mazzuca, S. Atkinson. 2003. Odontocete stranding patterns in the main Hawaiian Islands (1937-2002): How do they compare with live animals surveys? Pacific Science 59(1):55-68.
Mazzuca, L. 2001. Potential effects of low-frequency sound (LFS) from commercial vessel on large whales. Masters Thesis. (Unpublished)
Mobley, Jr., J.R., L. Mazzuca, A.S. Craig, M.W. Newcomer, and S.S. Spitz. (2001). Killer whales (Orcinus orca) sighted west of Niihau, Hawaii. Pacific Science, 55:301-303.
Moore, S.E, J.M. Waite, L.L. Mazzuca, R.C. Hobbs. 2000. Mysticete whale abundance and observations of prey associations on the central Bering Sea shelf. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 2(3):227-234.
Moore, S.E, J.M. Waite, L.L. Mazzuca, and R.C. Hobbs. 2000. Provisional estimates of mysticete whale abundance on the Central Bering Sea Shelf. Presented at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) annual meeting in Sydney, Australia, June 2000.
Mazzuca, L.L., and J.M. Waite. (with contributions from R. Hobbs, K. Laidre and S.E. Moore). 1999. Cetacean distribution and abundance in the Bering Sea: 1999 NOAA Ship Miller Freeman Cruise Report, Leg 2.
Mazzuca, L., S. Atkinson, B. Keating, and E.T. Nitta. 1999. Cetacean mass strandings in the Hawaiian Archipelago, 1957-1998. Aquatic Mammals 25(2):105-114.
Mazzuca, L., S. Atkinson, and E. T. Nitta. 1998. Deaths and entanglements of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the main Hawaiian Islands, 1972 to 1996. Pacific Science 52:1-13.
